Fairytales and me


Everything seems to be going by in a crazy fast way right now and that also means that it’s time to start reading the last book for our Honors class. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition is what its name basically suggests – a summary of different versions of fairytales throughout the history. For many people, this would mean encountering stories that they know from their childhood but I must admit that I can’t really relate here.

I don’t exactly know why, maybe it comes with growing up with older brothers and therefore in a more mature environment, but fairytales have never been very important in my family. There has always been something else to read, watch or listen to when I was growing up. Therefore, I am probably a bit of fairytale ignorant person – from the classic stories to Disney, I have big gaps in my education! It has got me into a weird situation in conversations before (“Hey, this is just like when X did Y in Z! What do you mean you don’t know that, were you not a kid?”), but I honestly feel like I haven’t missed much. I think that my parents did a great job of showing me that I can find magical moments in the real world without needing supernatural creatures. And I am thankful for it!

Till next time!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Shiyu blog says:

    I was not familiar with fairy tale story, too. But you make up with the fact. That’t really great.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. denmark2017 says:

    It is important to see the magical things in our everyday life. That is a good skill to have! 😀 Stay positive! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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